Changing the order of parallel schedule items

During your event some schedule items, e.g different workshops, will take place at the same time. However, you may want to arrange them in a certain order.

Please proceed as follows:

Changing the order of parallel schedule items1

First create your schedule items as described in this article.

Afterwards, move with the cursor over one of the parallel appointments and click on the edit pencil.

Changing the order of parallel schedule items2

On the right-hand side of the schedule item, in the " Order" area, you now have the option of reordering the parallel items on your agenda. For this, hover over the items and drag and drop them to the desired position using this symbol Bildschirmfoto 2020-08-10 um 09.31.34.

Confirm your changes with "Save changes" and return to the schedule overview. The schedule items have been rearranged accordingly. 

Important information

Only schedule items that have an identical start AND end time can be moved.