Release News from 10th of June 2024

We recommend you to perform a hard refresh before using evenito ( next time.

There is a new Check-In App version available in the App Stores. 
Please make sure to install the latest version.

Event Centre

🔧  Improved: 
  • The "Checked-in" filter card in the Event Centre now displays the total number of "checked-in" participants instead of the number of participants currently checked in.

More information on Event Centre.

Contacts, groups, group tokens, speakers & personalised files

🔧  Improved: 
  • If a group is deleted, it is now also removed from the actions of the answers in the registration form, if this group was stored there.
  • Companions now retain their groups if the main contact changes their own registration status from “registered” to “deregistered”.

More information on Contacts, groups, group tokens, speakers & personalised files.

Registration new
Registration form

🔧  Improved: 
  • If a group is deleted, it is now also removed from the actions of the answers in the registration form, if this group was stored there. 
More information on registration form.

Event website

🔧  Improved: 
  • The preview of the website is now displayed regardless of the set validity timeframe of the live website.

More information on Event website.

Check in

🔧  Improved: 
  • If the message ‘Session expired’ appears in the app, a new login is required to transfer the check-in data. This means that the data is not lost when the session expires, unless different user data will be used for the new login.
  • There is a new Check-In App version available in the App Stores.
    Please make sure to install the latest version (#81).

More information on Check-in.

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