Release News from 25th of March 2024

We recommend you to perform a hard refresh before using evenito ( next time.

User Account & Space

🔧  Improved: 
  • When a link from evenito is clicked and the user is prompted to login again, the path the user originally clicked on will be reopened after login.
    When logging in normally, the user will be redirected to the page from which he/she was last logged out.

More information on User Account & Space.

Event Centre

🔧  Improved: 
  • The logs in the Event Centre must now be filtered in order to view results.

  • Changes to websites are now also part of the logs.

More information on Event Centre.

Contacts, groups, group tokens, speakers & personalised files

🔧  Improved: 
  • The logs in the contact details must now be filtered in order to view results.

  • The lettershop (personalised files) now supports placeholders in tables.

More information on Contacts, groups, group tokens, speakers & personalised files.


🔧  Improved: 
  • Deleting a schedule item, e.g. on day 2 of a multi-day schedule, no longer causes the user to jump back to the first day of the event. The user remains in the schedule of the day just edited.

More information on Schedule.

Event website

🔧  Improved: 
  • As communicated in a multi-stage product update, the website editor has been completely revised.
    The newly implemented structure will allow for completely new and dynamic website dimensions in the future. There are no visual changes to the editor.

  • Please note: Publishing websites can now take up to a few minutes.

  • In the website settings, there is a new configuration for the buttons that allows the user to define the radius of the border (rounded buttons or not) and the line thickness on the website. The line thickness also affects the border radius.

More information on Event website.

evenito connect (Virtual Platform)

🔧  Improved: 
  • In the dropdown of schedule items in a stream, all schedule items can now be displayed and searched.

More information on evenito connect (Virtual Platform).

Check in

🔧  Improved: 
  • The groups of participants are now displayed again in the check-in app.
    Please make sure that you have installed the latest version.

More information on Check in.

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