Create your own URL / domain for the event website

Setup of a subdomain (use of the same domain with different subdomains for several websites)

Would you like to customise the default link of your event websites ( Then please proceed as described below:

Please note:

The "EVENTNAME" part is directly configured in the evenito tool (under Website Template > Overview space2 > Tab "Domain") and can be customised for each event.

Let's assume that the EVENTNAME in this example is “digital-summit”.

In evenito, you have the option of using an organisation-specific URL for the event website. This can be a subdomain (e.g. or a new domain (e.g.

Please note:

The (sub)domain must first be secured by you and must not have any content stored or be a subpage/extension of an existing website.

How to: 

Please secure your desired (sub-)domain first.

Ideally, you should store this with a wildcard (* or * in the settings of your DNS system and then refer to our CNAME

If it is not possible to set a wildcard (*), then also refer the final event website URL defined by you (in our example or to our CNAME within your DNS system. 

Please note:

In the event that you cannot store and point the domain with a wildcard, you or your IT must point the domain to our CNAME again for each event website.

Why should I register a domain with a wildcard * at best?

The * is called a wildcard and is basically a placeholder for “everything”. In other words, * can be or or, etc.

However, if you have saved a URL without the * and stored it in the DNS settings, then this URL can only be used for 1 website at a time. For example: can only be and not or or similar. This also means that you cannot use the same domain for another website without deactivating the event website currently published under this domain. 

Setup of a main domain (only for individual event websites)

If you would like to assign a domain to a specific website, you can proceed as follows:
Please secure your desired (sub-)domain first.
Add an A-record for HAUPTDOMAIN.DE to your DNS settings, which points to the following IP:

Please note:

If you also want this website to be reached via www.HAUPTDOMAIN.DE, add a redirect from www.HAUPTDOMAIN.DE to HAUPTDOMAIN.DE. 

If the method described above does not work, please proceed as follows

  1. Publish your first website with the secured domain (e.g. - i.e. without the www. at first.
  2. Make sure that both domains (www. and without) point to our CNAME (or with A-Record to our IP
  3. Create a second website without content in evenito.
  4. Open the website editor, go to the website settings (gear wheel) and open the “Domain” tab. Select your main domain in the dropdown and add “www” under URL.
  5. Open the “SEO and Tracker” tab.
  6. Insert the following snippet into the code header on the right-hand side
    <meta http-equiv=“refresh” content=“0; URL=” />
    Simply change the URL to your actual published website (with the content).
  7. Save your changes and publish this second website as well.

Now there are 2 valid websites, but access to one is only possible via the other.

Was my domain correctly referenced?

Do you want to make sure that your domain points correctly to the CNAME and that your website(s) can go live under your desired URL(s)?
Open your command line system (for Mac) by typing “Terminal” in the search and try to ping your URL by using “test” as an alternative to the wildcard (*). For example: ping or
If the answer is pinging, the domain was correctly referenced with the wildcard to the CNAME 

Alternatively, you can also call up the external page MxToolbox and enter your domain to check.   

Please note:

Similarly, you can also check whether, for example, only a specific URL was referred to the CNAME. To do this, ping the final event website URL you have defined (in our example or
In other words: ping or ping

However, if the result is “Unknown host”, this particular URL that you are pinging is not yet available for evenito. In this case, please check your DNS settings again.

Store domain in evenito:

Once you have added the CNAME or A-Record entry for your domain and checked that the domain has been correctly referenced as described in this section, you can now store it in evenito.

To do this, click on the gear wheel at the top right and open the Resources tab in the General settings. Under Domains, you can now add your domain via the “Add entry” field and display the DNS TXT entry still required by clicking on the checkmark to the right of the domain.
This TXT entry must now also be saved in your DNS settings.
Click on the small tick again as soon as you have set this entry to confirm the entry. If all entries have been entered correctly, a small dot will appear next to the website to confirm the successful setup.

Please note that only domains stored here can be selected in the website settings.

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