Define contact information

With the help of the "contact information" you can define which personal information should be requested from your contacts.

Define contact information1

All the contact fields that you have previously defined in your contact settings are displayed in the dropdown menu. Select the desired contact fields individually to add them to the registration form. 

Hover the mouse over the newly added field and drag it to the desired position using this icon Bildschirmfoto 2020-08-10 um 09.31.34.


In addition, you also have the possibility to use the "Advanced" button to set conditions that must be included in your participant's answer.


For example, if you ask for the e-mail address of your participants in the registration form, you can set in the "Answer must contain" field that the answer must contain an ".de", for example, and you can also enter in the "String contains one of" field which domain the participant may specify. Finally, in the "Logic combination" you can specify whether both "Operators" must be fulfilled or only one.

If the condition you have entered is not fulfilled by the participant, they will not be able to send the registration form.

Please note:

It is recommended that you only use the "Read only" option when you are importing a contact list and you are sure that the data is correct and that no adjustment is required from your participants side.

By clicking on "Display conditions", you can also define which field may be viewed by which group. When added for the first time in the overview, the field is automatically visible for all groups (see tag "All groups"). You can use the dropdown to individually determine which groups are to be selected.

If you want to add further contact fields (not to be confused with the event specific additional questions), these must first be defined in the menu item Contacts

If you want to delete a contact information field that is already stored, select it and click on the garbage can symbol in the top right corner of this field.

Next step: Specify event specific additional questions