🚨 First steps in case of difficulties with evenito connect

You can't connect to the server or you can't see/hear your moderators or participants? Then apply the following hot-fixes.

Which browser do you use?

For the best possible quality, we recommend that you participate in your virtual event using the Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox browsers.

Is your browser up to date?

Before participating in the virtual event, please make sure that your browser is up to date with the latest version. You can use this link to check the version of your browser and find out if there are any new updates.

Internet available and stable?

There may be quality fluctuations in your internet connection or your company's network may be blocking the connection. Alternatively, create a hotspot with your smartphone.

Hardware connected correctly?

  1. Check that your external microphone/headset and webcam are correctly connected to your PC. A loose connection may prevent correct output even if the device appears to be plugged in.
  2. Unplug the cable - whether it is an audio jack or a USB cable - and plug it back in firmly.
  3. Alternatively, try plugging in another device to see if it can be successfully recognised by your PC. Alternatively, test your laptop's built-in hardware (microphone and webcam).

Do you have another device available?

The event is already running and you need an alternative solution quickly? If you have a second PC/Laptop available, try opening your virtual event on this device. Alternatively, you can also participate in the event via smartphone or tablet.

Further assistance

You have checked and applied the listed steps, but your sound and video transmission still does not work? Then contact the event organiser.

The article for relevant system and device requirements summarises further details that can help in case of difficulties.