How do I create and use a group token?

In addition to a personal invitation, evenito offers the possibility of inviting participants to the event with the help of a group token.

With this function, you can, for example, define a code for a group of participants that you do not know at the moment, but who can register spontaneously with the help of the token. Differently to the personal invitation, the participant must enter his or her data in the registration form completely independently after entering the group token. 

Create group token

You would like to create a token for a group whose participants you don't know yet, that you can send out spontaneously? Or would you like to enable your partners to invite a fixed number of participants independently with the help of a token?

First define your groups (e.g. the names of your partners) and then create your group token(s) via the tab of the same name.

How do I create and use a group token?1

To do this, click on the plus symbol at the top right.

Then enter the name of the group token and define an individual token.

Finally, use the dropdown to select the corresponding groups to which the participants should be assigned after their registration.

With the help of the limit, you also have the option of restricting the availability of this code. In the following example, 25 contacts can register with the group token "sponsor-a".

How do I create and use a group token?2

Confirm your entries by using the "Add" button.

This way you can create as many group tokens as you like.

Your group tokens are then listed in the overview with the first 6 letters of the corresponding group. If you hover over them with the mouse, the complete group names are displayed.

Edit group token

You want to make changes to a group token? Then move the cursor over the desired token. The following editing icons appear on the right hand side:

Aufgaben erstellen und verwalten4Use the pencil icon to return to the group token mask.

Aufgaben erstellen und verwalten5 Click on the trash can icon to delete your group token.


This action is irreversible.

View the group tokens used by a contact

You want to know which group token(s) a contact has used for his or her registration? Then move the cursor over the desired contact in the overview of the menu item "Contact" and click on the pencil symbol on the right hand side.

In the contact mask, you will see the details for "Registration" on the right hand side. The used group tokens are listed in this area:

How do I create and use a group token?3

Link to register with a group token

You would like to create a token for a group whose participants you don't know yet, that you can send out spontaneously? Or would you like to enable your partners to invite a fixed number of participants independently with the help of a token?

In this example, let's assume that the group token is "sponsor-a".

Then compose the link in your message as follows:

Event-Link plus /?t= plus your group token

Please note:

The best way is to copy the event link from the display in the menu item "Website". The published URL is also displayed in the template overview. Move the cursor over it so that the copy symbol appears. Click on it to place the URL in the cache.

If your event is set up in different languages, you can also add the language to the link:

German: &lang=de
English: &lang=en
French: &lang=fr
Italian: &lang=it

Example: sponsor-a &lang=en

Do you want the participant to jump directly to the registration form as soon as they click on the link?
Then add the anchor #rsvp at the end of the link. Here is an example: 

Event-Link plus /?t= plus sponsor-a plus (Sprache plus) #rsvp
Example with anchor to the login module (without language):

Example with anchor to the login module (with language):