Release News from 13th of May 2024

We recommend you to perform a hard refresh before using evenito ( next time.

User Account & Space

💡 New:
  • An additional verification for website domains is now required on Space level. In the resources tab of the Space settings, website (sub)domains can now be added by users with the global role "Administrator", after the verification process (CNAME or A-Record) of your domain has been completed. 
    By clicking on the icon next to the newly stored domain, the additional DNS entry that needs to be set for the final verification is shown.

  • Users with API keys can now create events.

More information on user account & space.

Contacts, groups, group tokens, speakers & personalised files

💡 New:
  • The contact information fields and the additional questions now have separate tabs in the contact settings.

  • The contact exports can now be defined user specific. Users can select the desired columns and define the order of the contact export. 
    The defined contact export is user and browser specific and will be remembered for the next export until the settings are changed again.
🔧  Improved: 
    • The icons in the contact overview no longer temporarily disappear when an e-mail dispatch has been triggered.

    More information on: contacts, groups, group tokens & speakers.

    Registration form

    🔧  Improved: 
    • The data shape type of a question can no longer be changed once the question has been answered by a participant.

    More information on registration form.

    Event website

    💡 New:
    • Website publishing and website preview publishing are reported as a notification via the bell icon when either of those procedures are finished.

    More information on event website.

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