Release News from 15th of February 2024

We recommend you to perform a hard refresh before using evenito ( next time.

Please make sure that you always send your messages to
Please double-check that the address is correctly stored in your mailing list.
Alternatively, you can submit your request directly via our knowledge database by clicking on "Submit a request".

User Account & Space

πŸ”§  Improved: 
  • It is now possible to integrate moving GIFs via the new file manager and display them in messages and on the website.
  • The space administrators can now see the stored e-mail domains in the space settings under "Resources".

More information on user account & space.

Registration form

πŸ”§  Improved: 
  • If older templates are used to create events, previous settings in the companion forms will no longer block the registration.
    Previous error message: β€œThere was an unforeseen error while processing your request. Please contact your event organizers for assistance.β€œ
  • Required questions which have been stored in the decline form no longer block the deregistration if the form has been deactivated.

More information on registration form.

Contacts, Groups, Group Tokens & Speakers

πŸ”§  Improved: 
  • Ticket names are visible again in the contact details.
  • The group token is displayed again in the contact details.

More information on Contacts, Groups, Group Tokens & Speakers.

evenito connect (Virtual Platform)

πŸ”§  Improved: 
  • Speakers who have been assigned to groupless schedule items are now displayed again on the virtual platform in the side navigation under "Speakers".

More information on evenito connect (Virtual Platform).


πŸ”§  Improved: 
  • The pagination on the "Invoices" tab in the ticketing section has been corrected so that all invoices can now be found again.

More information on Ticketing.


πŸ”§  Improved: 
  • If a single ticket is removed from a contact with multiple tickets, the contact is no longer automatically deregistered.

More information on Hospitality.

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