Release News from 22nd of April 2024

We recommend you to perform a hard refresh before using evenito ( next time.

There is a new Check-In App version available in the App Stores. 
Please make sure to install the latest version.


💡 New:
  • There is now a bell icon for notifications about new, asynchronous functions in the navigation bar of the evenito backoffice. 
    With further releases, more asynchronous functions will follow.

More information about General.

User Account & Space

💡 New:
  • The evenito space ID is shown in the basic settings of the space now.

🔧  Improved: 
    • The tab “Resources” is no longer visible for non space admins in the space settings.

    • Users with Windows devices can now drag to scroll the files in the file manager.

    • Newly created folders are displayed in the file manager immediately after creating, without a refresh needed.

    More information about User Account & Space.

    Event Centre

    💡 New:
    • Events can now have “Event owners”. Any user from the space can be assigned as an owner of the event in the basic settings of each event. Also multiple users can be selected here. 
      With upcoming releases, the event list in the Dashboard can then also be filtered by the event owner.

    🔧  Improved: 
      • The audit logs in the Event Centre are now shown after entering the filters, without needing to refresh the page again.

      More information about Event Centre.

      Contacts, groups, group tokens, speakers & personalised files

      🔧  Improved: 
        • The audit logs of the contacts are now shown after entering the filters, without needing to refresh the page again.

        • The user specific defined columns in the contact overview are now also saved per user, per event, per browser.

        More information about Contacts, groups, group tokens, speakers & personalised files.


        💡 New:
        • The schedule can be displayed group specific on the event website now. When groups are stored in the schedule items, the schedule widget on the event website now has a toggle to make it group specific. Contacts then only see the schedule items that they have the assigned groups for. 

          For open events or the group token usage, the schedule remains set for the stored fallback group(s).

        More information about Schedule.

        Event website

        💡 New:
        • When a website gets published, the validity time of the website can be stored now. When the website is tried to be reached outside of the validity time window, it will no longer exist. If no data is stored, the website will be unpublished automatically after 6 months. 
          This does not free the domain stored. If this domain is needed in another event, the website still needs to be removed from the website settings.

        • The schedule widget on the event website now has a toggle to make it group specific.

        🔧  Improved: 
          • The video widget headline is displayed on the original height again.

          More information about Event Website.

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