Release News from 9th of August 2024

We recommend you to perform a hard refresh before using evenito ( next time.

User Account & Space

🔧  Improved: 
  • Files can now be uploaded to the file manager with umlauts (ä,ö,ü) in the file name again.
  • The download of any file from the file manager works correctly in the Firefox browser again.
More information on user account & space.

Contacts, groups, group tokens, speakers & personalised files

🔧  Improved: 
  • When updating the contact list through token matching, the correct event languages per contact are kept automatically.
More information on Contacts, groups, group tokens, speakers & personalised files.


🔧  Improved: 
  • Booth titles are shown in the correct event language on the event website in multilingual events again.
More information on Booths


💡 New:
  • A new placeholder for unsubscribing from the email communication can now be found in the placeholder manager in the "Links" tab. It should be used in every message to increase the deliverability of the e-mail. A user manageable blocklist will follow shortly in every evenito space.
🔧  Improved: 
    • The preview of the message will display a blank page with the note "Unknown error" if personalisation cannot be carried out, e.g. due to an erroneous placeholder.


    • The old connect access placeholder [[contact.connect_url]] will be finally deprecated in the next few releases. To access the virtual platform “evenito connect”, the actual and current placeholder from the placeholder manager [[contact.connectUrl]] needs to be stored in all corresponding evenito messages.

    More information on messages.

    Registration new
    Registration form

    🔧  Improved: 
    • A new validator for e-mail domains has been introduced that accepts a comma-separated list of values.
    More information on registration form.

    Event website

    🔧  Improved: 
    • The Open Street Map in the widget “Location” will now only zoom in or out, when actively hovering over the map on the event website. 
    • The event website now falls back to the stored default event language, if the contact language doesn’t exist in this event anymore.

    More information on Event website.

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