Scan Agent App: Requirements and preparations

With our Scan Agent app, you can easily authorise external and internal scan agents for on-site access control. The creation of the new Scan Agent does not require any user creation in evenito.

The app is available for Apple and Android devices. This article describes the preparation before the event.

Requirements for use

We recommend the following requirements for using the app:

  • Apple devices with at least iOS 17 or newer
  • Android devices with at least Android 12 or newer
  • Mobile network with at least 4G or a stable Wi-Fi connection

Preparation in the back office

In order for the "Scan Agents" tab to be displayed in the "Check in" module, it must first be activated in your Space. Please contact our CS team via

Please note:

The check-in module must be activated in your event in the Basic setup so that you can see it in the navigation bar in your event.

It is not necessary to create an user in evenito to create a new scan agent. It is therefore not required to create your scan agents as users. After activating the check-in for scan agents, you can start directly with a mobile device.

You activate the check-in for the scan agents in the Check-in module under the Scan Agent tab using the "Activate check-in for scan agents" button in the top right-hand corner.


Once this function has been activated in the event, it can no longer be deactivated.

Bildschirmfoto 2024-06-25 um 10.45.08In the next step, you can use the "Additional details" toggle on the right-hand side to decide which details should be visible for your scan agents in the Scan Agent app.

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If you activate this toggle, your scan agent has access to all contact details, including registration status, group assignment, contact information and additional questions.

If you deactivate the additional information, only the contact's basic data (first name, last name, date of birth) will be displayed to the scan agent in the app.

Your scan agents log into the app by scanning the agent QR code. Please generate a new Agent QR code for each of your Scan Agents to log in. By clicking on the "Generate new QR code" button at the top right, a new code is made available immediately. If several scan agents log in with the same agent QR code, they will also be logged in with the same agent ID.

Please note:

The activation or deactivation of the additional information is transmitted via the scan agent QR code. Therefore, define these settings before your scan agents scan their QR code.

Preparation of the Scan Agent App

Start with the following steps:

  1. Generate a Scan Agent QR code in the "Check in" module under "Scan Agents". Please make sure that you have already completed all the relevant steps from this section of the article before.

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2. Connect your mobile device to a stable internet connection to download the app. The app can be used without an internet connection. However, a stable internet connection is required for the final data transfer between the app and evenito Backoffice.

3. Download the app with the name "Scan Agent | evenito" and the icon "IMG_4574" in the store: 


If you have already downloaded the app, please check that you have installed the latest version.

4. Open the app and click on "Log in" to continue and confirm the "Camera access" prompt.

5. Your camera is now active and "Agent Pass" is displayed at the top left. Now scan the QR code generated for the scan agent in the evenito back office. This creates a unique / one-time agent ID and establishes the link between the device and the event in the back office.

6. The camera then remains active and "Contact Pass" is now displayed at the top left. The device is now set up and the scan agent can start scanning contact passes.

Please note:

The app is currently only available in the user languages German and English.

When you log in for the first time, the app asks you for permission to access the camera. Click on "Allow" here to be able to scan the participants' contact passes later.