Supported browsers

To guarantee a high quality experience, we summarise the supported browsers for the evenito tool and the event website here.

Supported browsers

The oldest version of a browser that is still supported is listed here:

evenito tool (only for the software user):

  • Safari 12.1
  • Chrome 87
  • Firefox 83
  • Edge 87

Website / registration form:

  • Safari 12.1
  • Chrome 8
  • Firefox 83
  • Edge 87

evenito connect:

  • Chrome 88

  • Safari 11

  • Firefox 86

  • Edge 46


We recommend that you always keep your browser at the latest state.
For evenito connect, we recommend using Chrome or Safari, especially for Many-to-Many or Few-to-Many events.

Not supported browsers

All versions not listed here are not tested or supported by evenito. This also applies to Internet Explorer. Microsoft itself has announced in this article that it will no longer support Internet Explorer for tools such as Microsoft Teams. Companies such as Zendesk, Atlassian, YouTube, Slack, Trello, Spotify and LinkedIn have also decided to no longer support Internet Explorer.


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