Export contacts incl. check-ins & check-outs

You would like to export your contacts and see who checked in or out of your event and when?

To export the contacts, first select the ones you want to download by ticking the checkbox on the far left above the contact list:

Export contacts incl. check-ins & check-outs1

The download button "Contacts overview (display, filter and export)12" to the right of the language switcher is then activated. Click on this button.

Here you have the option to choose between "Download contacts as Excel file" and "Download customized contacts as Excel file".

As soon as the download for one of these files has been triggered, the notification "Exporting contacts..." with a loading bar appears at the bottom right.

Once the download is complete, the notification "Contacts export is ready to Download" appears. You can now download your export by clicking the "Download" button.

You will also be notified of the created export in the notification bell (top right) and can also access the download there. 

Download contacts as Excel file

If you select "Download contacts as Excel file", the export contains all information for each contact. By ‘information’ we mean, for example, all contact fields and responses from the registration form, as well as the respective registration and check-in status, which are each listed separately in columns.

Please note:

Before you export your list, you can also filter on the desired registration statuscheck-in statusindividual groups or on the last updates from a desired date. The filtered contacts are then displayed in the Excel list with all the information stored.

Please note:

The export consists of two tabs. To view the check-ins/check outs, select the second tab "Log".

Download customized contacts as Excel file

If you select "Download customized contacts as Excel file", a new window opens in which you can define the columns and the order of these columns for the export. To do this, simply tick the checkboxes of the information fields you want to download.
You can change the order of the columns to be exported by drag & drop using this Bildschirmfoto 2020-08-10 um 09.31.34 symbol. To do this, simply move the mouse cursor over the desired question. Click on the "Save & close" button to save the selection for later export and start the download. The customized export is user- and browser-specific and is saved until the next export. 

Please note:

The export consists of 2 spreadsheets (tabs). To view the check-ins/check-outs, select the second tabs "Log".

Tabs in Excel export

The first tab in the following example ("Contacts in Digital evenito Conference Event") contains your defined contact informationadditional questions and groups as well as the participation status and individual tokens.

In the second tab "Log", the participants' check-ins and check-outs for virtual and/or physical events are listed. As soon as a participant logs in to the virtual platform with their token, e.g. by clicking on their personalized access link, this is considered a "check-in". For physical events, the data is recorded with the help of the Check-in app. The status is listed in the "Action" column (check-in or check-out), while the individual times of each action are logged in the "Time" column. The respective check-ins and check-outs are bundled per person and listed chronologically.

Please note:

Depending on the Excel settings you have stored, the file initially only shows the date of the respective check-in or check-out in the "Time" column. Change the setting to "Date and time" to also see the time.

Export contacts incl. check-ins & check-outs2


A separation according to physical or virtual events does not yet exist.