1. Knowledge Database
  2. Create event
  3. Create, edit or delete an event

Language switcher & language assistant

You want to create your events in multiple languages and make sure that your contacts get all the content you defined in their language? Then proceed as described in this article.

Enable multiple event languages in your basic settings

First you have to activate all the languages you want to use in your event. To do this, click on the menu item "Event Center" and open the tab "Basic Set up".

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Using the drop down menu under "Languages" you have the possibility to add further languages to your event. Use the "Set as default" button to define which is your main language. If you click on the language switcher, a dropdown will open in which you can select the desired language and switch to it. You can choose between German, English, French, Italian and Spanish.

Please note:

The languages to be selected here are the event languages. Event languages are the languages in which your communication and website will be displayed to your participants. They are not to be confused with the system language, which you store in your user profile.

Functionality of the language switcher & language assistant in the back office

The language switcher

You can find the language switcher in almost all places in your back office on the top right side below your menu bar or inside of a pop up window. The symbol is displayed either in green or in red.

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In the dropdown of the language switcher you can jump back and forth between your selected event languages.

As soon as you have filled all fields that are already completely filled in one language in all other languages, the color of the multilingual icon changes from red to green.

This way you can check if you really have stored all contents in all languages in the back office.

Please note:

The language switcher does not check your translations. The icon turns green as soon as all corresponding fields are filled with text. Please make sure that you enter the correct translations in the appropriate places.

The tool currently does not actively point you to the place where content is still missing. This requires a manual check on your part.

The language assistant

Next to all text fields to be translated, you will also find a language assistant in the form of this icon Sprachwechsler & Sprachasisstent

If you have already defined your text in one or more languages and switch to another language via the language switcher, you can click on the icon with the mouse and the drop down menu directly below will now display your already stored content in these languages.

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You can now either follow the other languages and enter the missing translation manually, or alternatively click on one of the options in the drop down menu. Your selected heading will then be transferred to the still empty field and can now be overwritten by you now or at a later time.

Please note:

In some cases, the language assistant is only displayed after you have already entered a text in a language - this applies to the description text, for example.

If this symbol Sprachwechsler & Sprachasisstent is not displayed next to an input field, no language assistant is active for this field and you have to enter your translations manually.

Language switcher on the event website

On the event website you also have the possibility to jump back and forth between your selected event languages via your language switcher.

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You can either edit your entire event website in one language from here, or you can switch between your event languages while editing your individual widgets.

At this point you also have the possibility to use the language assistant and to display the already stored headlines of your other languages by clicking on this symbol Sprachwechsler & Sprachasisstent.

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Please note that in the editor mode of the event website, the language display Sprachwechsler & Sprachasisstent6 from the "Navigation" widget does not correspond to the general language switcher of the tool. Therefore, when editing your widgets, make sure that you store all desired content in the correct languages.

Set up messages in multiple languages

To set up a message in multiple languages, you must first set up the desired message in one language, with all your design settings, as well as a defined structure with the intended content. In this article we will explain how to create a new message.

You can now use this layout and all the corresponding settings for your other languages and then only have to change the content accordingly per language.

Use the language switcher to switch to the language for which you want to use the already prepared template. In the following example, the German or English template can now be used for the French version.

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On the right side, next to the "Select contacts" button, click on the three dots.

In the dropdown that opens, select the function "Copy template from another language" and specify which language template should be transferred.

As soon as you have selected the language you want to transfer, the layout and content will be copied and can be edited by you.

Using the language switcher next to the "Send test e-mail" button, you can jump back and forth between the different languages at any time.