Messages overview

With evenito you can control your communication through different channels. Messages can be sent in the form of e-mails.

Overview messages and tasks

The overview shows your communication timeline. On the left side, your defined tasks in connection with your communication, which you have stored in the Event Centre, are listed. As soon as a task is completed, it can be marked accordingly with the checkbox.

On the right side, the messages you have set up are displayed, as well as their respective group assignment.

Messages overview1


When you move the mouse cursor over a message, the actions you can perform on the corresponding message will be displayed on the right side. 

Messages overview2

Sending arrow (paper plane icon)

Clicking on the paper plane will take you to the participant overview, where you can specify the contacts for sending messages. You can find more information about sending messages here.


Open your message analytics to view the send status or the open rate of your message.

Next steps: Create new message or edit and delete message