Assign tickets directly to a participant as the responsible person for the event

Hospitality management enables your hosts to book ticket contingents themselves and to invite and manage guests.

At the same time, you as the responsible person for this event have the option of distributing your event tickets directly to hosts or participants. We will look at the latter case in this article.

Direct ticket assignment

After your hosts have added their participants via an Excel import or manually, all these contacts are listed in the overview in the menu item "Contacts". 

Assign a global role to your users1

The column "Ticket types" lists all tickets that have been assigned to a participant.

Please note:

We also recommend that you add the field "Host contacts" via the edit pen on the right hand side. This way you can see directly in the overview which participant belongs to which host. 

If you want to manually assign a ticket directly to a participant from this list, move the curser over the desired contact and click on the ticket icon on the far right:evenito.

Assign tickets directly to a participant as the responsible person for the event2

In the next step, a new pop up window opens in which you can assign the desired ticket(s) to this contact:

Assign tickets directly to a participant as the responsible person for the event3

In addition, you can (depending on the settings you have defined in the "Registration settings" section) directly set the contact as "registered" and/or send a confirmation.

Afterwards you can take over your assigned tickets with the button "Save & close".

In the contact overview, you will now see that the tickets have been stored accordingly in the column "Ticket types":

Assign tickets directly to a participant as the responsible person for the event4

Presentation in the statistics

In the menu item "Hospitality" you will find a booking overview in the tab "Hosts":

Assign tickets directly to a participant as the responsible person for the event5

In column 3, marked "Directly assigned", you can see how many tickets you have directly assigned to the participants.

You can find further explanations of the statistics HERE.