How do I use the hospitality management function? (Host view)

You want to book tickets as a host or manage the tickets assigned to you and your participants?

My events and calendar 

The view of the host is limited to the "My Events" and "Calendar" tabs in the dashboard:

How do I use the hospitality management function? (Host view)1

Under "My Events", the host sees all those events in which he has purchased tickets himself from a contingent (from a public event) or which have been directly assigned to him by an admin, event manager or supporter (in the following referred to as "event manager"). To edit these booked or assigned tickets, the host can now click on the corresponding event.

How do I use the hospitality management function? (Host view)2

Once an event has been published, a host who has been added as a user in your organisation can see it in his or her "Calendar". If the host then selects an event in which he/she would like to book tickets, he/she clicks on the "Tickets" button and is taken to the "Event info" page.

Event info

If the host selects an event either directly in the dashboard or in the "Calendar" tab, he is taken to the "Event info" page. This has already been defined and set up by the event manager in the evenito back office under the menu item "Hospitality".

How do I use the hospitality management function? (Host view)3

If the event manager has defined a period for "Go to tickets" in the evenito back office, the host can now either click on the "Buy tickets" button to the right of the header or scroll directly to the "Tickets" area.

Here, the host can either use the plus or minus button per ticket to select how many tickets he wants to book of which Ticket type or he can enter the number directly. The booking limit defined by the event manager in the back office cannot be exceeded:

How do I use the hospitality management function? (Host view)4

By clicking on the button "Book tickets" on the right side, a new window with a booking overview opens for confirmation.

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Please note:

Currently, tickets can be published either publicly (via the event website with payment processing via vivneu) or via the "Event info" page for the hosts. These are separate processes that currently cannot coexist in one event. In other words, for hospitality management, billing and payment processing are carried out separately via the event manager outside the evenito environment. 

By clicking the "Confirm booking" button, the desired booking request is automatically listed in the evenito back office under the menu item "Hospitality"tab "Hosts". The respective booking quantities can still be manually adjusted by the event manager. You can find more information HERE.

Adjust booking

If a host wants to edit the number of reserved tickets again, he can click on the button "Modify booking" in the "Tickets" section on the "Event info" page. The view of the different ticket types will then open again.

How do I use the hospitality management function? (Host view)6

Booking closed

As soon as the time slot for booking tickets has closed, no more tickets can be reserved on the part of the host:

How do I use the hospitality management function? (Host view)7


In the next step, the host can now click on the button "Go to contacts" in the "Tickets" area or on the menu item "contacts" in the navigation.

As soon as the time slot defined by the event manager opens, in which the host can upload his contacts via the plus button using an Excel list or add them manually and then manage the contacts, the tags in the menu item "Contacts" are automatically changed from "Contact list: not available" (grey) to "Contact list: open" (green) and "Registration: not available" (grey) to "Registration: open" (green).

Please note:

Move the cursor over the respective day to see in which period the contact list and/or registration will be opened.

How do I use the hospitality management function? (Host view)8

  • In the first column you can see what type of ticket it is.
  • The numbers (in the example "Main Event": 1/20) in the second column indicate how many tickets have been assigned to the contacts so far from the total contingent booked by the host.
  • Column 3 (light shaded) shows how many tickets you (as host) have directly assigned to the participants. Further information can be found in the subchapter "Assign tickets".
  • Column 4 "booked" (dark, single-coloured) shows the number of tickets that your hosts have booked from the total quota per ticket defined by you, but have not yet assigned to their contacts.
  • Column 5 "assigned" (light shaded) shows how many tickets your subhosts have already distributed to their contacts. Basically, this represents the number of participants who have the status "registered" in a "normal" event.
  • Column 6 "available" (light, single-coloured) shows how many tickets are still available in the contingents you have defined, i.e. have not yet been booked.

Add contacts

How do I use the hospitality management function? (Host view)9

To add contacts, the host can click on the plus button and then add them either manually or via Excel import

The fields, which the host should store from his contacts, are defined by the event managers in the evenito back office in the contact information.

Creating a contact manually

To create a contact individually, click on the plus button. An overview opens with the contact information fields. Fill in this information.

How do I use the hospitality management function? (Host view)10

Then you can choose whether to click on the "Add" button or directly on "Add & Assign Ticket". With the first option, only the contact is created, but no ticket is added. If you choose the latter, you will be forwarded directly to the ticket assignment after creating the contact. See the subchapter Assign tickets.

Import Excel

Under Contacts, click on the "+" symbol in the top right hand corner and select "Upload contact list". Either search your computer for the desired list or drag and drop it into the tool.

Preparation Excel file

In order to import a list successfully, the following points must be observed:

      • Allowed formats: XLSX, XLS or CSV
      • The Excel file must not contain macros and must only consist of one worksheet. If your Excel list contains formatting, we recommend that you import/copy the data without formatting into a new file.
      • Each value (first name, last name, e-mail, etc.) must be stored in an individual column in the Excel list.
      • The first line should be a title line and not a contact, as it is not transferred.
      • The e-mail addresses must not contain any special characters (e.g. ö, ä, ü) or obvious errors (e.g. no @ sign or a space).
      • The language of the subscriber can be imported using one of the following abbreviations. Upper
        • and lower case are not important:
        • German: de
        • English: en
        • French: fr
        • Italian: it
        • Spanish: es

Assign contact information fields

Now go through the columns by clicking in the field "Assign column" and select the corresponding contact field. You can only use the fields that have been predefined. It is not possible to create and name your own fields.

Please note:

Currently, hosts cannot assign different groups to their contacts in the Excel list or during import.

How do I use the hospitality management function? (Host view)11

If you want to delete a column or row, select the corresponding column/row and tick the checkbox. Then click on the trash can icon at the top right. 

Start import

Click on "Submit" to process the Excel file. The window shows you the status of your contact list. As soon as the import has been completed, you can finalise it by clicking on "Close". The contacts in the Excel list are now visible with the stored information under Contacts.

Information on import difficulties

Has your import been loading for a moment without a result? Or do you receive an error message? Then the list probably contains an error. Please check the tips under Preparation Excel file again. 

Assign tickets

To assign one or more tickets from the contingent to contacts, the host moves the cursor over the desired contact and clicks on the "Assign tickets" button on the right-hand side. This step can be skipped when creating the contact manually via the button "Add & Assign Ticket".

Please note:

If you click on the "Assign tickets" button at the top right of the plus button, all "Assign ticket" buttons behind the contacts in the overview flash once for better recognition.

How do I use the hospitality management function? (Host view)12

In the next step, the host can now choose how many tickets to assign to the guest from his contingent. In this case, too, he can either use the plus or minus button or enter the number directly.

How do I use the hospitality management function? (Host view)13

First select the host from whose contingent you would like to allocate the tickets to the desired participant in the dropdown under "Contingent selection".

In the next step, the host can now select how many tickets it will allocate to the guest from its contingent. In this case, too, he can either use the plus or minus button or enter the number directly.

In addition, you can (depending on the settings defined by your event manager) directly set the contact as "registered" and/or "send confirmation".

Afterwards you can take over your assigned tickets by using the button "Save & close".

In order for this message to be triggered, it must first have been set up by the event host.

In the last step, the host clicks on the "Next" button and can fill in the contact details and additional questions defined in the registration form for the participant. This information was previously defined by the event organiser in the registration form.


If you have selected a subhost in the dropdown under "Selection contingent", please open the details of the contact to whom you have just assigned the tickets from the contingent of the subhost and now also add this as the responsible host. To do this, select the correct host in the "Details" tab on the right-hand side in the "Registration" area in the dropdown. Apply your changes by clicking on "Save & back".


In the contact overview you will now see that the tickets in the column "Ticket types" and the host in the column "Contacts host" have been stored accordingly.

Remove a ticket from a contact

If it is not possible for a contact to participate in the event, the host can remove the ticket. 

To do this, return to your contact overview and move the cursor over the desired contact so that you can click on the pencil symbol. The contact details of the participant will now open. 

In the "Registration" area on the right hand side, all "Tickets" are listed which have been assigned to the contact: 

How do I use the hospitality management function? (Host view)14

To remove them, hover over the ticket(s) you want to remove and click on the trash can icon.

As soon as all tickets have been removed and you click on "Save & return", a pop up window appears with the information that the contact automatically receives the status "Declined". At the same time, the decline confirmation is triggered (if this has been set up by the event manager).