Create your website structure

By using evenito, you can build your website based on predefined widgets. The widgets are available on the left hand side, can be inserted via drag and drop and linked as anchors in the navigation.

Define structure

As soon as you have opened the editing mode of the website, you can create the desired structure of the website. Some of the contents of the widgets must first be stored in the individual menu items in the evenito tool (e.g. location, schedule, registration form or speakers). 

Create your website structure1

The available widgets are shown on the left under "Widgets". To use a widget, drag it into the white field to the right ("Drag your widget here"). The preview of the widgets is shown immediately on the right.

To check how your website is displayed on your laptop/computer, tablet or smartphone, you can click on the 3 icons on the right and switch between the views of the respective end devices.

You can also click on the "Preview" button to the right of the language changer. This button only becomes active when you have saved all changes. You can find more information in the article Preview options of the website.

Important note

Please always use this function during the setup of the event website to avoid different intermediate states due to caching in the browser. 

Create your website structure2

Change the order of the building blocks via drag-and-drop in the second field from the left.

In the preview area of the website on the right hand side, no changes can be made. Any adjustments must be stored either in the modules themselves or in the individual navigation points in the tool.

Please note

Some content is not applied and displayed in edit mode in the site builder. Externally embedded videos and images for example, are not displayed as thumbnails. However, all content can be accessed and used via the preview button and the published website.

It may take a few minutes for the content to be displayed after saving the changes (in the preview) and after publishing (on the live website). 


Available modules and their functions

Each individual widget has specific functions, which are explained in the following articles.

To edit, move your cursor over the desired widget to open the settings using the pencil icon. 

Adding anchors to individual widgets s in the navigation

Do you want participants to jump directly to the most important points on your website (e.g. registration, schedule or speakers) by clicking on the corresponding button in the navigation? In this article we show you how to set the anchors.

As soon as you have defined your website content, you can save the colour and design settings. To do this, go to the following article: Add fonts, spacing and design settings of your website.