How do I add a speaker?

Are speakers an important part of your event?

In evenito, you can create a profile for each speaker including a photo, description text and various social media accounts and also publish them on your event website or on the virtual platform.

Create a speaker profile

To create a profile, open the menu item "Contacts" and then click on the tab "Speakers".

Please note:

You can store the speaker profiles in this menu item. If you want to contact/communicate with the speakers specifically, you have to add them with their contact information in the menu item "Contacts".

After you have clicked on the plus button in the top right hand corner, the speakers mask will open:

How do I add a speaker?1

You can add the following information:

  • Photo of the speaker (mandatory field)
  • First & last name (mandatory fields)
  • Title of the speaker
  • Description text including the option to set hyperlinks.

To ensure that the description text is fully displayed on the event website (in layout 1), here is a guide:

- with 3 speakers maximum 595 characters
- with 4 speakers maximum 400 characters
- with 5 speakers maximum 345 characters. 

If the description text is introduced with a heading, the number of characters is reduced.

  • Social media profiles of the speaker: You can choose from LinkedIn, Xing, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Youtube, Vimeo, Spotify, e-mail.
  • Schedule items at which the speaker participates.

Please note:

  • Speakers can only be added to the schedule items at this point in the back office. Adding speakers to a schedule item (menu item "Schedule") is not yet possible.
  • If your event is set up in several languages, make sure that you store the above information for all languages. Use the language switcher for this purpose.

After you have saved the stored information by using the "Add" button, the newly created profile is added to the overview. All speakers are listed here.

How do I add a speaker?2

After the speaker profiles have been created, you can set the order individually:
To do this, move the curser over one of the profiles until the = sign appears and move the speaker to a different position. The new order affects both the event website and the virtual platform.


For security reasons, some content can not be displayed in edit mode in the site builder. For example, externally embedded images are displayed as broken images and externally embedded fonts might not be displayed correctly. However, all content can be accessed and used via the preview button and the published website.

Edit or delete a speaker profile

A speaker has sent you more information or is no longer available for your event? 

Hover over the desired profile so that the following icons appear on the right hand side:

By using the pencil icon Aufgaben erstellen und verwalten4 you can edit the selected speaker.

The deletion process using the trash can icon Aufgaben erstellen und verwalten5 is irreversible.

In the edit mode, you can add any speaker to schedule items. In addition you can add a title image, which will then be displayed on the virtual platform.

Once you have defined your speakers, you can add them to your event website. To do so, go to the following article: Create your website structure.