Update contact details through token matching

You would like to update the data of your contacts already in the event or, for example, assign further groups or add the hotel room as a new contact information field - but there are just too many contacts to make these adjustments manually?

Then please proceed as described in this article.

Important notes on re-uploading an updated contact list in a Live Event

Before you start exporting and reimporting your contact list, please check the following notes to decide whether reuploading your contact list is appropriate for your event:

Please Note:

Re-uploading contact details that are already in your live event is very sensitive. If data is updated or overwritten during import, an irrevocable update of the original data records takes place. Therefore, please be extra cautious. We therefore ask you to read this article carefully and follow the instructions step by step.

If you are unsure or have any questions, please contact our CS team so we can help you with your questions before uploading again!

Preparations for re-uploading your contact list

Export contact details from your event

First you have to export all the contacts you want. To do this, proceed as described in this article. Either export your entire contact list or download a filtered list by defining all corresponding filters in advance via the "Show filter" button.

Download your Excel list using the download button in the top right-hand corner. This appears as soon as you have selected your contacts via the checkbox(es) on the far left above the contact data overview.

Kontaktdatensätze durch Token-Abgleich aktualisieren1

Preparation in the evenito back office

If you want to change the questions and/or sub-questions in your registration form and still require the information previously requested, all information from the event-specific questions must also be created as new contact information fields. 


Please note that the answers previously given by your contacts will be irrevocably deleted once the questions or sub-questions have been adjusted.

Of course, you can also create other contact information fields independently of the answer options if you plan to import completely new information from your contacts into the event.

Please create these first as described in this article, so that you can match them with the corresponding columns of your Excel list when you upload them again.

Preparing your Excel file

When preparing your new Excel file, please follow the guidelines in this section of the article "Add contacts by importing via Excel".

Add more columns to your new Excel list so that you can match them with the contact information fields you have added in the later upload window.

Upload your contact list again with additional information

In principle, the re-upload of your Excel list works as described in this article.

The personalised tokens of the contacts are the identifier of the tool for matching the contact data records during a new upload. It is also essential to assign the existing contact information field "Token" from the dropdown to the token column from your Excel list.

Please note:
If you have stored other or new tokens in your Excel list, new contact data records will be created from these tokens. 
If you are uploading as a ‘Host’, other or new tokens will be ignored during the upload. 

Kontaktdatensätze durch Token-Abgleich aktualisieren2

If there is contact information to which you have not made any adjustments, you can click on the corresponding column in the upload window and remove it using the bin icon or simply not assign a field to this column from the dropdown. The information already stored in the contact details will remain and will not be replaced by updated information.

Once you have linked all the desired contact information fields to the corresponding columns, you can start the upload and the re-uploaded contact details will update in the contact details of this event.


If data is updated or overwritten during import, an irrevocable update of the original data records takes place.