How do I set a moderator for Many-to-Many or Few-to-Many?

You have decided to implement your online event in connect (among other things) with the integrated many-to-many meeting tool Jitsi and would like to define your moderators or speakers in the next step?

In this article we show you how to do this and what rights a moderator has. This also applies to the implementation of a few-to-many meeting with Jisti.

How do I set up a moderator?

First create your speakers and moderators as such in the menu item "Contacts". In the following article we will show you how to create a contact.

Please note:

The contact information field "E-mail" is indispensable for using connect.

If you also want your speakers or moderators to be listed, for example, in the schedule overview on connect and the website, as well as underneath the stream, then create relevant profiles under "Speakers".

Please note!

The tabs "Contacts" and " Speakers" are not linked to each other. If you add a speaker profile, this person will not automatically be added to your contact overview and must be added here again as a contact.

After you have set up the function "Virtual platform" in the Basic setup of the Event Centre and your schedule under the menu item "Schedule", the next step is to set up the streams for your Many-to-Many or Few-to-Many meeting.

Once you have created the corresponding streams, move the cursor over the stream you have set up in the overview and click on it. The editing screen opens.

How do I set a moderator for Many-to-Many or Few-to-Many?1

On the right hand side you will find the " Moderators" section. To link your speakers and moderators to this stream, you have two options:

  • Option 1: Click on the dropdown and select the appropriate contacts.
  • Option 2: Enter, for example, the (first) name by clicking in the dropdown field. This way you can search your contacts if there are already a large number of contacts in your event.

Moderator rights

Everyone follows me

Each moderator has the option of activating the "everyone follows me" setting. Once activated, this function can control the view for all others in the meeting. For example, if the follow-me moderator fixes one participant, this participant is also in focus for all others. In this way, the view of the follow-me moderator is always adopted for all participants.

To save this setting, the person leading through the event (follow-me moderator) first clicks on the three dots in the navigation bar at the bottom of the screen and then on "Settings".

How do I set a moderator for Many-to-Many or Few-to-Many?2

Another window opens. Switch to the "Moderator" tab and activate the checkbox in front of "Everyone follows me". Confirm with "OK" to apply the settings.

How do I set a moderator for Many-to-Many or Few-to-Many?3

Please note!

The participants can still change the view themselves, for example by selecting another participant tile.

Mute all participants & switch off cameras

You would like all participants to be muted and also switch off the cameras? Click on the three dots again. In the pop up window that opens under the tab "Moderator", you can now activate the functions "Everyone starts muted" and "Everyone starts hidden".

How do I set a moderator for Many-to-Many or Few-to-Many?4

Please note!

Participants can unmute and switch on  the camera on their again.

Assign moderator rights

Do you also want to give moderator rights to a participant? Then hover over the tile of the corresponding contact and click on the three dots. Now select the function "Grant moderator Rights" and confirm the system question "Do you really want to assign moderator rights" with "Yes".

How do I set a moderator for Many-to-Many or Few-to-Many?5


Please note

Once you have given moderator rights to a participant, you cannot undo this action.

Remove participants

You can remove individual participants from your meeting using the "Kick out" function. To do this, move the mouse pointer over the desired person, click on the three dots and confirm the action.