1. Knowledge Database
  2. Create event
  3. Create, edit or delete an event

Image sizes

Below, we would like to give you some guidelines regarding the sizes of the header and the logo on the website, as well as the virtual platform and the profile and cover pictures of the speakers and booths.

General information

The upload takes place in evenito's integrated file manager. In this article, we explain how you can access it, how the upload works and which image sizes and formats are supported

  • File size: max. 5 mb (max. file size to be imported in the file manager: 20mb)
  • Recommended size for the header: max. 200 kb
  • Recommended size for other images (e.g. in the "Highlight-Widget"): max. 100 kb

Please note:

Files cannot be cropped in evenito. Please make sure to upload them with the correct dimensions already.




We recommend that you use the .svg format. If this is not possible, you can of course also use a .jpg or .png

Image sizes1

Download file


The graphic below illustrates all 4 layout variants and shows the ratio as well as the specific section.

Image sizes3

Download file


Image sizes5

Download file


The graphic below illustrates all 4 layout variants and shows the ratio as well as the specific section.

Please also note that all variants in the mobile version are cropped in the same way as the "Highlight 2 + Mobile" variant.

If you, for example, want to display a graphic with sponsors on your website, we recommend using the "Header-Widget" in layout 3.

Image sizes6

Image sizes7

Download (Highlight 1)

Download (Highlight 2)


The graphic of the icons is displayed in 64x64 format and is therefore always displayed in a ratio of 1:1.

Image sizes8

Download file


The graphic of the favicon is displayed in 32x32 format and is therefore always displayed in a ratio of 1:1. We recommend using files of 512x512px here.

Image sizes9

Download file



Image sizes10

Download file


Image sizes11

Download file



Please note: this file is only displayed in the navigation point "Speakers" on the virtual platform.

Image sizes12

Download file

Please note:

To ensure that the header is fully displayed on a large screen, use the size recommended on the graphic or a multiple of it. Make sure that on smaller screens, such as mobile devices, parts of the image are cut off and the focus is aligned with the centre of the graphic.

Profile pictures


Image sizes13      Image sizes14
Download file Download file


virtual platform (evenito connect)


Please note that the logo is displayed round on the virtual platform.

Image sizes15

Download file


Image sizes16

Download file 


Please note:

To ensure that the header is fully displayed on a large screen, use the size recommended on the graphic or a multiple of it. Make sure that on smaller screens, such as mobile devices, parts of the image are cut off and the focus is aligned with the centre of the graphic.

Booths (virtual platform)


Image sizes17


Image sizes18


Image sizes19


Download file Download file

Download file


Image sizes20

Download file

Please note:

To ensure that the header is fully displayed on a large screen, use the size recommended on the graphic or a multiple of it. Make sure that on smaller screens, such as mobile devices, parts of the image are cut off and the focus is aligned with the centre of the graphic.