How do I set up a One-to-Many (Livestream), Few-to-Many or Many-to-Many in evenito?

You can add a stream to your virtual event: Embed either a One-to-Many stream (livestream) or a Many-to-Many meeting or a Few-to-Many stream.

Additional setup for streams

First, activate the toggle for "Virtual platform" in the "Features" section of the basic setup in the Event Center. This will create a menu item with the same name in your menu bar.

To set up a stream, you also need at least one schedule item to which the stream can later be assigned. If you don't have a schedule item yet, set it up under "Schedule". You can find more information here: Create a schedule item.

Setup streams

First, open the "Virtual Platform" menu item and click on the "Streams" tab.

How do I set up a One-to-Many (Livestream), Few-to-Many or Many-to-Many in evenito?1

Click the plus sign at the top right to add a new stream.

First of all, choose whether you want to embed a stream using an embed code - not just a URL - (e.g. from Youtube or Vimeo or from your professional production service provider) (One-to-Many) or whether you want to set up an interactive meeting (Many-to-Many) or whether you want to stream a plenary discussion between several speakers to a large audience (Few-to-Many).

Please note:

Want to know what the difference is between a One-to-Many, Many-to-Many or Few-to-Many? In this article, we'll go into more detail.

How do I set up a One-to-Many (Livestream), Few-to-Many or Many-to-Many in evenito?2

Then you can define the name for this stream. Basically, the naming serves primarily to keep track of the individual streams in the internal overview. Nevertheless, pay attention to how you name your many-to-many streams, because this title will be displayed within the meeting.

The "Description" area is primarily crucial for Many-to-Many meetings or Few-to-Many meetings. Here you can, for example, store additional information for your speakers/presenters or participants, e.g. that they should make sure that the camera & audio devices are activated before entering the meeting room. This message is displayed as soon as the speakers, presenters or participants click on the "Enter" button in the agenda.

How do I set up a One-to-Many (Livestream), Few-to-Many or Many-to-Many in evenito?3


Please note:

Do you want to add information (e.g. a description of the schedule item) to your stream and do you want your participants to see this info? Then please add this content in the respective linked schedule item in the description text.

Don't forget to assign one or more schedule item to your stream: This is the only way to display it in connect. You can select the program points already set up via the dropdown.

You want the stream to be set up in a booth? Then use the dropdown to select a booth that has already been set up. How to set up a booth is described in this article.

Confirm your selection with "Add". Your stream will now be listed in the overview.

Please note!

For Many-to-Many and Few-to-Many you do not have to deposit a stream. Unlike a One-To-Many, when you create a new meeting, the "Embed Code (iFrame or Javascript)" section is available to you. Once you select this stream type, a Jitsi meeting is automatically associated with it. 

How do I set up a One-to-Many (Livestream), Few-to-Many or Many-to-Many in evenito?4

In the case of a One-to-Many stream, on the other hand, the corresponding embed code must be stored. In other words, the field under "Embed code (iFrame or JavaScript)" is only filled in for a One-to-Many stream. Just add the embed code with all necessary video permissions (e.g. audio play, hide controls) as shown. This tutorial shows you how this works, for example, with a YouTube video. 


However, for a Few-to-Many (mandatory) and for a Many-to-Many (optional), it is necessary to deposit one or more moderator(s). How you deposit a moderator for these two types, we will show you in this article.

Edit/delete stream 

To edit a stream, hover over the desired stream in the overview. There you will find the pencil icon and the trash can icon on the right Create and manage tasks3. Click on it and confirm your selection again using the "Delete" button.


Once deleted, the stream cannot be restored.