Multilingual event website

In this article we will show you how to create and edit an event website with different languages.

Information & Requirements

  • First check whether your desired languages are activated in the Event Centre.
  • The complete range of functions for multilingualism in evenito is still under development. More elements and tabs are constantly being added.
  • evenito is not a translation tool. The contents are therefore not translated automatically and must be entered manually by you.

Multilingualism in the different widgets

To adjust the content of a widget, first add it as described in the article Create your website structure. Then move the cursor over the widget so that the pencil icon becomes visible. Select it so that the editing mask opens. 

To switch between languages, click on the language switcher in the top right hand corner:

Multilingual event website1

Now add the desired content per language. 

You can translate the content of the widgets registrationlocationspeakers and schedule directly in the corresponding menu items of your event. These contents will then be transferred to the website. 

Page preview & language switcher

To change the language in the preview, use the language switcher above the area:

Multilingual event website2

The symbol to the left of the language switcher (shown here in red) indicates whether all the contents of the website have been translated. If the symbol is rednot all content has been completely stored. As soon as you have made this change, the colour changes to green


It is quite possible that the content in one of the previously listed menu items Registration, Location, Schedule, Speakers or Basic Setup has not been translated. If you cannot find any missing translations on the website, please also check these tabs.

The participant can change the language on the website himself/herself via the respective shortcuts in the "Navigation". These languages are stored by default as soon as you have activated them in the basic setup in the Event Centre. 

Multilingual event website3

Please note:

If a participant registers on the German-language website, the language "German" is automatically stored for this contact. This also works if you invite the contact in English, but the contact deliberately selects the German language page via the language switcher and registers via this page. The language is then automatically updated in the contact information. 

For more information on the event website, click HERE