In the e-mails, you can work with placeholders (dynamic content), which automatically include different subscriber data in the e-mails, thus allowing personalised communication.
In this article
General information placeholder & placeholder manager
Each placeholder starts with the characters "[[" , has a text in between and ends with the characters "]]". When sending an e-mail, the placeholders are filled individually per participant with the corresponding content.
You will find an overview of the available placeholders in the editing window of a paragraph under "Browse placeholders".
Then select the desired placeholder in the placeholder manager and add it to your message by clicking on it.
Please note
Make sure that there is no space before or after your placeholder, for example, if you place it behind a button or link.
Default placeholder
Listed below are some default placeholders:
- Start date event: [[event.startDateWithDay]]
- Start time event: [[event.startTime]]
- Event name: [[]]
- Main location of the event: [[event.location]]
- Personal registration link: [[event.register]] > Place this placeholder behind a button or word
- Salutation: [[contact.greeting]]
- Gender: [[contact.gender]]
- Title: [[contact.title]]
- First name: [[contact.firstName]]
- Last name: [[contact.lastName]]
- Summary of participant responses: [[contact.registrationSummary]]
- Access link to the virtual platform: [[contact.connectUrl]]
- Default calendar entry (ICS): [[event.addToCalendarICSShort]]
- Google calendar entry: [[event.addToCalendarGoogle]]
- Individual token: [[contact.token]]
- Unsubscribe from communication: [[contact.unsubscribe]]
- QR-Code for Check-In: [[contact.qr]]
- QR-Code for the personalized registration on the event website: [[event.registerQr]]
- QR-Code for the personalized access to the virtual platform: [[contact.connectUrlQr]]
- Open e-mail in browser: [[message.renderURL]]
If you would like to give your participants the opportunity to unsubscribe from e-mail communication, proceed as described in this article.
Contact information
The placeholders under "Contact Information" may differ per event. Each field you create under "Contact" and each additional question in the registration form will result in a single placeholder in this folder. If you want to summarise the entire registration, use the placeholder [[contact.registrationSummary]].
Placeholder with link to personal registration
Please place this placeholder behind a button.
Alternatively you can compose the link as follows:
Event link plus /?t=[[contact.token]]
Example without language:[[contact.token]]
Depending on the language stored by the participant, the correct language version of the website is displayed directly.
Do you want the participant to jump directly to the registration form as soon as they click on the link?
Then add the anchor #rsvp to the end of the link. Here is an example:
Event link plus /?t=[[contact.token]] plus #rsvp
Example with anchor to registration widget:[[contact.token]]#rsvp
Link to the registration with a group token
Do you want to create a token for a group whose participants are currently unknown to you, but which you can send out spontaneously? Or do you want to enable your partners to invite a fixed number of participants on their own with the help of a token?
In this article we will show you how to create your group tokens. In this example, let's assume that the generic token is "company-1".
Then compose the link in your message as follows:
Event link plus /?t= plus your group token.
Depending on the language of the participant, the correct language version of the website will be displayed.
If your event is based on different languages, you can also add the language to the link:
Deutsch: /de
Englisch: /en
Französisch: /fr
Italienisch: /it
Spanisch: /es
Niederländisch: /nl
Example (Spanish language):
Would you like the participant to go directly to the registration form when they click on the link? Then add the anchor #rsvp to the end of the link.
This can also be combined with a link that includes both the #rsvp anchor and a language: Example with anchor to the registration form (in English):
Placeholder with a link to evenito connect
In order for a participant to be logged in directly to evenito connect, you can use the following placeholder: [[contact.connectUrl]]
This placeholder can also be created manually:
Structure placeholder: Connect link plus EVENT-ID plus ?token=[[contact.token]]
Example with event ID "568be552-a9b1-415c-bc01-2bdd2419d420": https://connect.evenito. com/events/568be552-a9b1-415c-bc01-2bdd2419d420/?token=[[contact.token]]
You can find the event ID in the URL of the event in the browser after events/:
The URL is always, regardless of your company settings.
Placeholder for the dynamic greeting
To be able to use the dynamic placeholder in your messages, you need the contact field “Gender” already predefined in evenito as a contact field in your event. You can add this in the “Contacts” module in the contact settings by clicking on the gear wheel in the top right corner. Then open the drop-down menu and add the field by clicking on the + symbol. You can find detailed information on this in this article.
If you want this field to keep the title "Greeting", you can easily change its title. To do this, hover over the added field and click on "", then you can rename the field and confirm your change with "
Please note:
The answer options already stored (Mr / Mrs) should not be changed or deleted, as otherwise the placeholder will no longer work correctly.
In the next step, the dynamic placeholder can then be added to a message:
{{#if (eq "m")}}Sehr geehrter Herr [[contact.lastName]]{{/if}}{{#if (eq "f")}}Sehr geehrte Frau [[contact.lastName]]{{/if}},
If you now want to change the type of greeting (e.g. to ‘Dear Sir’), you can adjust everything that is not in the {} brackets in the placeholder. However, do not change anything in the part in the {} brackets, otherwise the placeholder will no longer work correctly.