You can use placeholders to dynamically integrate content such as the recipient's name into messages. This means that personalised communication is also possible for automated messages and mass e-mails.
In this article:
General information
The placeholders are always displayed in brackets:
When a message is sent, the corresponding data stored in the event or in the contact data records is dynamically inserted into the message. For example, the first name and last name can be automatically inserted into the salutation of a message (“Hello Max Sample”).
With the placeholder manager, you have the option of adding various placeholders to your message (in the subject, in the text field or in the CC/BCC field), e.g. for your event details or for all contact information and additional questions from the event registration form.
Inserting placeholders
In the editing bar for text fields in a message, you can find the placeholder manager with all the placeholders available in the event under “Browse placeholders”.
The required placeholder can then be inserted into the message by simply clicking on it in the placeholder manager.
You can also use placeholders behind a button. In this example, the personal login link is linked behind a button. You can find more information in the article “Edit and delete messages”.
It is also possible to use placeholders in the message settings. You can use them for the subject or for e-mail addresses in the “CC e-mail” and “BCC e-mail” fields.
Please note:
Make sure that there is no space before or after your placeholder, e.g. if it is placed behind a button or a word or phrase.
Examples of standard placeholders
Please note:
The available placeholders may vary depending on the data maintained in the event and the activated additional modules (personalized files and hospitality).
Event information
You can find information about the event here.
- Name: [[]]
- Start date with weekday: [[event.startDateWithDay]]
- Location: [[event.location]]
Contact information
Here you can find all the contact information fields that you have previously created under “Contacts”, as well as additional questions from the “RSVP”.
- Greeting: [[contact.greeting]]
- First name: [[contact.firstName]]
- Last name: [[contact.lastName]]
Inviter information
You can find information about the main guest here. This can be included in messages to the registered companions.
- First name: [[contact.inviter.firstName]]
- Last name: [[contact.inviter.lastName]]
Registration information
Here you can find all information about registration.
- Summary of participant responses from the registration form: [[contact.registrationSummary]]
- Summary of the accompanying persons: [[contact.companionSummary]]
Here you will find a selection of links that you can share with your contacts.
- ersonal link to the registration form on the website: [[event.register]]
- Persönlicher Link zur Website der Veranstaltung: [[event.personalSite]]
- Personal link to the event website: [[contact.connectUrl]]
- Unsubscribing from e-mail communication: [[contact.unsubscribe]]
These placeholders are only displayed if the additional feature “Personalized files” is activated in the space and corresponding files have already been uploaded to the event.
The respective placeholder can be used to create a link to a personalized file for both the main guest and the companion. All information and placeholders (e.g. for QR codes) that are available for this can be found in this article.
Placeholders are only displayed here if the “Hospitality” module is activated in the Space. The placeholders can be used to insert information about the host.
Placeholders for calendar entries
To give participants the opportunity to download a calendar entry for the event, the following placeholders can be inserted in the messages:
- Standard calendar entry (ICS): [[event.addToCalendarICSShort]]
- Google calendar entry: [[event.addToCalendarGoogle]]
These calendar files contain the following information about the event:
- Event name
- Event description
- Event date and time
- Main location
- Link to evenito connect (if the virtual platform is active in the event)
Placeholder for the wallet pass
The following placeholder can be used if participants should have the option of saving the event details and the QR code for check-in in their wallet: [[contact.passUrl]]
The wallet passes contain the following information:
- Logo (from the navigation module on the website)
- Participant name
- Event name
- Event description
- Event date and time
- Check-in QR-Code
Please note:
Although the main location is not visible on the Wallet Pass, the pass contains this information and can notify the participant when they are in the area of the main location.
Custom placeholders
In the “Basic setup” in the “Event Center” of the event, you have the option of creating your individual placeholders at event level in the “Custom placeholders” section.
You can find more information on this in this article.
Placeholder with personal registration link
Would you like to invite your contacts with a personal registration link so that the contact information is already pre-filled in the registration form? You can either use the placeholder [[event.register]] (leads directly to the registration form on the website) or [[event.personalSite]] (leads to the beginning of the website). It is best to use these placeholders linked in a button or in a word/phrase.
Alternatively, you can also create a personal link to the event website:
"Event link" + "/?t=[[contact.token]]"
Example without language:[[contact.token]]
Example with language:[[contact.token]]
If the link should lead directly to the registration form and not to the beginning of the website, add the anchor #rsvp at the end of the link:
"Event link" + "/?t=[[contact.token]]" + "#rsvp"
Placeholder with link to evenito connect
With the placeholder [[contact.connectUrl]] the participants are logged in directly to evenito connect.
You can also create the link yourself:
"Connect link" + "event ID" + "/?token=[[contact.token]]"
You can find the event ID in the browser in the URL of the event after events/:
Please note:
The URL is always, regardless of the company's settings.
Placeholder for the dynamic greeting
To be able to use the dynamic placeholder in your messages, you need the contact field “Gender” already predefined in evenito as a contact field in your event. You can add this in the “Contacts” module in the contact settings by clicking on the gear wheel in the top right corner. Then open the drop-down menu and add the field by clicking on the + symbol. You can find detailed information on this in this article.
If you want this field to keep the title "Greeting", you can easily change its title. To do this, hover over the added field and click on "”, then you can rename the field and confirm your change with ”
Please note:
The answer options already stored (Mr / Mrs) should not be changed or deleted, as otherwise the placeholder will no longer work correctly.
In the next step, the dynamic placeholder can then be added to a message:
{{#if (eq "m")}}Dear Mr [[contact.lastName]]{{/if}}{{#if (eq "f")}}Dear Mrs [[contact.lastName]]{{/if}},
If you now want to change the type of greeting (e.g. to ‘Dear Sir’), you can adjust everything that is not in the {} brackets in the placeholder. However, do not change anything in the part in the {} brackets, otherwise the placeholder will no longer work correctly.