Dashboard overview

Once you have logged into evenito and are within your space, the first thing you will see is the dashboard.

The dashboard offers you an overview of all your upcoming and completed events and at the same time provides your space and your personal user profile.

Dashboard overview1

Event list & search

In the centre of the dashboard are the events. For a better overview, there are upcoming events (left-hand side) and events that have already taken place (right-hand side).  

Please note:

Events that take place "today" are listed in the column "upcoming events".

In addition, there is a further subdivision into the following statuses:

  • All: All events are listed here regardless of their status.
  • In preparation: This event is currently still in the preparation phase. No communication has been sent or the event website has not gone live yet.
  • Published: Your event is in the hot phase: communication has been sent, the event website has been set up and published and registration has been opened.

Please note:

As soon as you publish your tickets in a ticketing event, the status is automatically set to "Published". Once your tickets have been published, it is no longer possible for legal reasons to change the date and/or time of your event in the basic settings of the Event Centre. An adjustment is also not possible on the part of evenito afterwards.

  • Live: The event is actively taking place today.
  • Done: Your event has been successfully implemented, the subsequent communication has been set up and sent out and the data has been evaluated.
  • Archived: To keep your dashboard as clear as possible, you can archive your performed or cancelled events.

Please note:

The status of your event only adjusts itself in a ticketing event when the tickets are published. Otherwise, the status must be adjusted manually in the Basic setup of your event.

Dashboard overview2

Your event list already contains many events and you are looking for a specific event? Then use the event search on the right side above the event lists. Simply enter a keyword or the event name and start the search by pressing "Enter". If you hide the filters, they remain in the background and are displayed as individual keywords under the search bar.

Alternatively, you can search specifically for events that have been assigned to the individual teams. To do this, click on "Show filters" and select the desired team(s) in the dropdown behind "Events of the team".

Hovering over the individual team tags under an event in your dashboard will show you the full team name.

Please note:

As an administrator, you will still see all events with the respective team tags in the overview and you can also select all events in the dropdown of the filter function. The global event manager role, on the other hand, only sees the events in the team(s) assigned to it and can also only select these teams in the dropdown. You can find more information about the roles in this article.

You want to know more about the following topics? Then click on the corresponding links:

User profile

Your user profile icon is displayed in the top right corner. Evenito allows you to customise your own profile.

In the following articles, we will show you how to edit your user profile and in general add new users.


You can edit the settings of your space via the cogwheel. 

Please note:

  • The settings you enter here, affect your entire organisation, including all events.
  • Adjustments within the organisation can only be made by the global role Administrator. Event managers can only view these settings, but not edit them.
You can find more information on the space in this article Overview of the organisation as well as further articles.


Are you in the middle of setting up your event and don't know what to do? By clicking on the question mark in the top right-hand corner, you will be forwarded directly to our knowledge database. 


Enter your desired keyword (e.g. create event) in the search field and confirm your entry with Enter. A list of suitable articles will then be suggested to you. Click on the appropriate article.

You haven't found the right article? Then click on the "Submit a request" button and write a ticket to the support team.

Notification bell

The notification bell informs you that delayed actions have been completed in evenito.

These actions include:

  • The publication of websites
  • The preview of the websites
  • Exporting contact lists if they are not available for immediate download due to their data size

As soon as a notification is ready for you, the bell is displayed as active Bildschirmfoto 2024-06-07 um 09.50.38. You can open and view the notifications by clicking on the bell.

If an action is currently being performed, you will see a loading bar in the notification bell.

This loading bar disappears as soon as the action has been completed.


The bell remains active until you manually remove the notifications via the Bildschirmfoto 2024-07-09 um 09.47.31 or, for example, start a download from the notification.
By clicking on this icon Bildschirmfoto 2024-07-09 um 09.47.22 you can open the completed action directly from the notification.
If there are no notifications, the bell is displayed as inactive Bildschirmfoto 2024-06-18 um 12.56.59.