Hospitality Management ( setup in the evenito back office)

evenito allows you to manage and distribute ticket contingents using the hospitality management function.

Assign your event tickets directly to your host(s) or let them book ticket contingents themselves. Allow him/her to invite and manage guests independently. 

Add your hosts


This module is an additional function that is not available in the basic setup of evenito. Please get in touch with your sales contact or the Customer Success Team if you are interested in this function and would like more information on how to activate it.

In the first step, define which hosts are allowed to see your events and book tickets themselves, or determine who you want to explicitly assign tickets to.

First proceed as described in the article create and delete new users and add this new user. Make sure that you assign this user the role of "host" when distributing the global role

In the second step, you determine which event may be viewed by which host within your event(s) in the "Hosts" tab under the menu item "Hospitality". More information follows in the tab "Hosts".


If you want to test the function yourself or check the setup, use a private address to assign the host role to it. In this way, you can continue to make adjustments in the evenito back office with your normal evenito user (who has the Admin or Event Manager role) and check the adjustments with your second user, i.e. the host role, parallel.

About the setup

In the following subsections, we will show you how to set the correct functions and settings.

Event Center > Basic setup

In order to use the hospitality management function, it must first be activated together with the ticketing function in one of your events. Please contact our CS team via

Please note:

Afterwards, you can save this event as a template - the prerequisite for this is that you have admin rights. For subsequent events, we recommend that you create the new event based on this template or copy the event.

After these two functions have been activated in your account, you can also activate the following functions: 

Tickets > Ticket types

Please note:

Currently, tickets can be published either publicly (via the event website with payment processing via vivneu) or via the "Event Info" page for the hosts. These are separate processes that currently cannot coexist in one event. In other words, the booking and invoicing of tickets for hospitality is also not done via vivenu. 

Please also note that the "Invoices" tab is currently not relevant for Hospitality Management.

To set up one or more tickets, click on the plus button at the top right.

Hospitality Management ( setup in the evenito back office)1

First fill in the following fields:

  • Ticket name
  • Assign a colour (for better recognisability)
  • Ticket price
  • VAT
  • Total number of this ticket
  • The maximum number of tickets a host may receive or assign to itself
  • Description text

Confirm your settings by clicking the "Add" button.

Finally, don't forget to select the correct currency using the gear wheel to the left of the plus button.

Please note:

A mix of several currencies is currently not possible.

Afterwards, your set up tickets will be listed in the overview of the tab "Ticket types":

Hospitality Management ( setup in the evenito back office)2


"Info page Host" tab

Hospitality Management ( setup in the evenito back office)3

In this tab, you determine the content that is to be displayed on the "Event Info Page" for the host. 

To do this, you can first define which items are to be listed using the buttons in the "Content" area on the right hand side.

    • Description
    • Location
    • Schedule
    • Tickets

Depending on which tabs you activate, these fields are shown or hidden in the view on the left. 

With the help of this icon Hospitality Management ( setup in the evenito back office) Not yet followed by anyone , you can also move the arrangement of the individual building blocks on the info page.

Please note:

The contents for the tabs "Location", "Schedule" and "Tickets" are filled in in the navigation points of the same name, which you can activate (except for ticketing, which must be activated by evenito for the first time) on the right hand side in the basic setup under the menu item "Event centre".

"Event Details" area:

    • The event name and date are automatically taken from the basic setup in the Event Centre.
    • To change the header image, click on the edit pencil at the bottom right of the image and select your desired file.

"Description" area:

This content is not automatically taken from the basic setup of the event, but can be customised. For example, you can provide your hosts with information on how the event info page works, in which period tickets can be booked, contacts can be added and registrations can be made.
To edit the text, click on the edit pen in the right corner of the field. 

"Location" area:

This information is automatically taken from the navigation item "Location".

"Schedule" area:

Similar to the location, the start and the title of the schedule items are taken from the menu item "Schedule".

"Ticket" area:

The ticket types you have defined are also automatically inserted with their titles from the "Tickets" item.

Info page settings

Using the gear wheel in the top right hand corner, you can open the settings for the info page.

Hospitality Management ( setup in the evenito back office)4

On the left hand side, you can first activate the "Public booking page" button. This means that this event will be listed in the calendar tab on the hosts' dashboard and all hosts who belong to your space can book tickets.

As soon as you have activated the button, you can also insert an image for the event calendar. To do this, click on the editing pencil in the bottom right corner to adjust the file.

If the event should not be displayed for all hosts in your space, but you want to determine individually which host may book contingents, then deactivate the switch "Public booking page". In this case, add the desired host(s) in the "Hosts" tab using the plus button. 

On the right hand side, in the " Permitted date ranges" section, you define the time period in which your hosts are allowed to book tickets, make adjustments to their contact lists and implement registrations for the participant.

    • "Ticket booking": Click in the fields "Open" and "Close" and use the date picker to select the dates (day and time) during which a host can book tickets from the contingent you have defined.
    • "Contact list changes": The procedure is the same as for "Ticket Booking". In this section, you define the period in which your hosts are allowed to upload their guest lists or add contacts manually via the "Contact" tab.
    • "Registration": As in the previous tabs, define the period in which your hosts can register their guests. After the host has assigned the tickets to his participants, he can directly fill out the registration form and trigger a registration confirmation. In order for this to be sent, however, it must have been set up in advance by you in the menu item "Messages" with the type "Registration confirmation". 

Please note:

If you do not define a time period, i.e. the fields "Open" and/or "Close" are left blank, this is equated with an "open" status. This means that the host can book tickets, make changes to the contact list or register participants at any time.

In the "Registration settings" section, you define whether registration for ticket allocation on the part of the host is to be "required", "optional" or "disabled". This can be selected in the dropdown. 

Hospitality Management ( setup in the evenito back office)5

If the option "required" has been selected, the checkbox in front of "Set as registered" cannot be unchecked. If the option "optional" is selected, this box can be unchecked by the host, whereupon the button changes from "Continue" to "Save & close". For the option "disabled", the button "Save & close" is displayed directly.

Please note:

If the host is only to book the desired number of tickets, import the contacts and assign the tickets accordingly, but is not allowed to fill out the registration form for the participant, set the selection to "disabled". This way, you as the person responsible for the event can send the invitation collectively to all participants with ticket allocation. Further information can be found in the sub-item "Messages" and the participants can register or deregister themselves. 

The checkbox "Send confirmation" is only displayed if the message is of the type "Registration confirmation". 

Apply your adjustments by clicking on "Save & close".

"Hosts" tab

Then switch to the Hosts tab to add the users that you have already created in your organisation settings.

Please note:

You only need to add hosts for a "private" event, i.e. the toggle "public booking page" in the tab "Info page host" is deactivated.

In order to be able to select hosts in the contact list, which opens after you have clicked on the plus button, they must first be added as "User" in the space settings and assigned the role "Host" as described at the beginning of this article.

Select your desired hosts by first finding them in the search window and then activating the checkbox in front of the name. Confirm your selection with the "Add" button.

Hospitality Management ( setup in the evenito back office)6

As soon as you have either added your hosts (for a closed event) or they have ordered tickets themselves for an open event, the booking statistics will be displayed in the "Hosts" tab. Before that, no content is displayed on this page.

Hospitality Management ( setup in the evenito back office)7

In the upper area of these statistics, the tickets you have defined are listed one below the other. 

In the first column you can see which ticket it is. The tickets are listed with the name you have defined. 

The numbers (in the example "Main Event": 6/100) in the second column indicate how many tickets have been allocated to the participants so far from the contingent defined by you (in the example "Main Event": 100). The booked tickets of all hosts are added together.

Column 3 shows how many tickets you have "directly assigned" to the participants. For more information, see the article "Assign tickets directly to a participant as an event owner".

Column 4 "Booked" shows the number of tickets that all hosts have booked from the contingent you defined, but have not yet assigned to their contacts.

Column 5 "Assigned" shows how many tickets your hosts have already distributed to their contacts from their booked contingents. This basically represents the number of participants who have the status "registered" in a "normal" event.

Column 6 "Available" shows how many tickets are still available in the contingents you have defined, i.e. have not yet been booked.

Adjust a booking

After a host has booked tickets, you can overwrite them manually. To do this, click on the name of the host below the statistics so that their booked ticket selection is displayed. 

On the left side you see all the tickets that the host has selected and on the right side you see in the first column the price of the respective ticket type and in the second column ("Quantity") the number of tickets that he has booked. Click on the front number to overwrite the contingent in each case. The third column ("Used") shows how many tickets from the respective contingent have already been assigned to a contact from the host's list. 

Hospitality Management ( setup in the evenito back office)8

Please note:

It is not possible to go below the number of tickets already "used", i.e. assigned. This means that in the above example, the number for the ticket type "Main Event" cannot be less than 3.

Export the data

To the left of the plus button you can also create an export.

The following data is listed in this export:

    • The full name of the host
    • The e-mail address of the host
    • The booked ticket types
    • The amount of tickets booked for each ticket type
    • The amount of tickets per ticket type allocated to each participant
    • The cost per ticket type (total for all tickets)
    • The cost per ticket type (per ticket)
    • The event name

Menu item Contacts

All contacts that have been imported (or manually added) into evenito by your hosts are listed in the overview under the menu item "Contacts". 

Hospitality Management ( setup in the evenito back office)9

The column "Ticket types" lists all tickets that have been assigned to a participant.

We also recommend that you add the field "Contacts Host" via the editing pencil on the right hand side. This way you can see directly in the overview which participant belongs to which host. 

Please note:

evenito is not a CRM. Participants must therefore be added by your hosts for each event.

You can find more information on the menu item "Contacts" HERE.

Menu item Messages

Please note:

Messages are only sent if they have been set up. Depending on your wishes, the types "registration confirmation", "decline confirmation" and "invitation" are particularly relevant. Of course, you can add further messages to these.

The registration confirmation and decline confirmation are relevant both when the host fills out the registration form for the contact and thus registers him or her or subsequently deregisters him or her in the case of a direct contact, as well as when you as the event organiser invite the participants and they register/decline themselves. You can find more information in the section "Remove a ticket from a contact".

If the option "deactivated" has been selected in the "Registration settings" section (see item "info page settings"), so that the host cannot invite its participants itself, the dispatch is your responsibility as the person responsible for the event.

In this case, we recommend that you use the following placeholders for the host in the communication in the invitation:

Hospitality Management ( setup in the evenito back office)10

You can select these in the placeholder manager in the "Host" tab.
You can find more information about the messages HERE.

Next steps: How do I use the Hospitality Management function? (Host view)