1. Knowledge Database
  2. Create event
  3. Create, edit or delete an event

First steps in evenito

Welcome to evenito. We are very happy that you are using evenito to organise your events and excite your participants. In this article we summarise how to create a new event.

Before you start, we recommend you to check the following articles: 

If you are new to evenito, here's how you can customise your profile and space details: 

The following articles will guide you through all the important steps to create a new event: 

Once your event has been created, the following articles will show you how to activate the website, add participants and send the invitations: 

Is your event taking place online or hybrid? Then check the articles on the set up of evenito connect: 


We recommend you to test every new event set up and every new event early on. This way you can find out at an early stage whether adjustments in the settings or texts need to be made.


In this overview, the most important articles are linked. On our knowledge database you will also find more exciting and interesting information. You can always use the search function or the folder structure on the start page to orientate yourself quickly.